Mun*G, Winnie Nwagi land a multi-million deal with Pepsi Uganda


By staff writer

Crown Beverages Limited, the bottler of Pepsi, Mirinda, Mountain Dew, 7Up and Evervess, has today, unveiled award-winning musicians; Mun G and Winnie Nwagi as its brand Ambassadors. Mr. Jeff Sekandi, the Ag. Head of Marketing at Crown Beverages Limited, said Mun G and Nwagi will headline CBL brand activities going forward.

He added that, the award-winning music stars were chosen because of their influence, character and quality of music. “Their music is exciting, entertaining, and appeals to all ages and classes of people. It also epitomizes the Ugandan way of life and anyone can easily relate to it and their lives.”

According to the contract signed by the two musicians, their ambassadorial roles start with immediate effect. The new CBL ambassadors will be involved in exciting activities across the country which will build CBL’s relationship with customers in Uganda and boost sales.