Norway based Ugandan Rapper ‘Afrikane’ thrills fans in Oslo


Norway Based Uganda Rapper Afrikane real names Grace Akoyo is now a household name in the city of Oslo where he performs. He does rap,Spoken work and a good song writer.

We spoke to him and he had this to say “Am planning a small concert for AfriKane and his people the beginning of next year here in Oslo just when i come back from for that to happen,we need to have pushed this a great deal mainly there as its not hard for me to reach people,people appreciate the way i portray my art…i love music and want my lyrics to be able to change many peoples lives that are going through their own specific struggles, I have an unveiling in about 3 weeks and i dedicate it to my loyal people back home. One love“. here is a clip where fans went wild when he started rapping. Like his facebook page Afrikane


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