NTV under pressure, stranded with ‘Nudist’ Bettinah


By our writer

Following Nakawombe’s dismissal for “misconduct” a few weeks back, the management of NTV went on and appointed Bettinah Tianah as a quick replacement for Anne Nakawombe as the host of the ‘Login’ entertainment events show on NTV Uganda. Within, just weeks, Bettinah’s nudes leaked as she tried to sale them out to unknown buyer for fame, even though she claims that her account was hacked, a source revealed that NTV is still investigating up to find out if indeed the photos are hers, or if her email was hacked to blackmail her ( One wonders, if Kleith Kyatuhaire wasn’t blackmailed by people who wanted to extort money).

With the zero tolerance to indecency clause of NTV Uganda when they sacked Anitah Fabiola who leaked her nudes knowingly and Kleith who was blackmailed, this shows how NTV has lost it’s ground and is under pressure after losing out it’s presenters to rival stations. We pose a question for NTV, Why would a girl who sells her nudes be still on TV ?

Just a week back, NTV login was scrapped off and replaced with the booming ‘About Town’ which was being hosted by the shinning Mukiga ‘Tinah Teise’ who threw in the towel after a financial disagreement with the bosses. To everyone’s surprise, Bettinah is now presenting the 30 minutes show. Is NTV losing it completely ??