NTV reveals about Kleith’s nudity incident.


By Waiswa Brian

Yesterday i got time off and met one of NTV Uganda’s top officials about Kleith’s fate at the Serena based studios. Kleith whose nudes leaked and spread around every social media platform like California wild fires on Monday left many thinking that she could lose her job at NTV just like Anita Fabiola.

Well, i talked to a lady (name withheld) if they were to take action against Kleith Kyatuhaire for her leaked nudes and she is quoted saying “Yes we know what went on,but for your own information those pics are of way back and i don’t think Kleith can do such a thing. For meantime, we are yet to discuss about it as a committee and if we do, it will be a positive decision to make“.

So chances are NTV might not sack Kleith as some media houses are reporting because this incident is not new.