Pastor Bugembe and Julie Mutesasira feud over Concert dates


 By Enewsug writer

We all know that worship night has always been at end of every November towards the end of the year.Pastor Bugembe has rescheduled this year’s worship night to December 4th but this has not been well for Julie Mutesasira who has her “kijja kugwa” Album launch on the same day. Rumor has it that the two no longer talk to each other up to now.

These Concerts have also divided the fans of both gospel artistes as Mutesasira’s fans attacked Pastor Bugembe’s camp for being unfair because She had set the date first.

 Are you a fan of Julie Mutesasira’s music what is your say about this?Can you make it to the concert and at the same time go for the worship night?or you will have to side with one of them.