Police reveal shocking truth about Master Blaster’s death


By Stevoh Zinunula

‘Embooko’ singer Master Blaster real names Innocent Oloya yesterday died at Mulago hospital after being shot in Bwaise.

There was disagreements between Ugandans and Sudanese at the the Bwaise based Eden Service park. The Sudanese had booked the place for their end of year party and no Ugandan was allowed to enter the pub. This irritated the Ugandans with resulted into an exchange of words and later punches, bottles and stones.

The club owner Emma had no option but to call the police to bring peace at the pub. Police fired bullets and two bullets went astray hence hitting the singer in the stomach . ” It is our policeman who shot him “, Kampala metropolitan spokesperson Patrick Onyango.

Onyango added that this policeman Cpl. Wagaba Kugonza was arrested and investigation are going on. Wagaba says that Ugandans at the pub wanted to steal his gun and this situation forced him to fire bullets as he tried to restore peace at the pub.

May His soul Rest in peace