R.I.P: Pastor Yiga’s ex-lover passes away in great pain


By our writer

Pastor Yiga (Abizaayo) of Kasubi Kawala rape allegations circulated allover about how he impregnated and infected a woman who was part of his congregation after he laid his deception tricks that he would later on pray for her. The lady claimed that Pastor Yiga invited her to his home for special prayers but later persuaded her into sexual intercourse thus infecting her with a deadly virus which left her on medication from that time today when she passed away.

The 27 year old Brendah Nalubega has passed on in great pain after failing to receive proper medical care from Pastor Yiga as the court had decided, the young lady died last night at around 4am. Nalubega who is survived by one son, is set to be buried tomorrow Friday 2nd September at 2PM in Nganda village, Butambala.