Reason why Maurice Kirya is shifting his Sound Cup cafe revealed !!!


By Sean Carter Musa

Ugandan soul music king Maurice Kirya is finalizing plans to relocate his café, The Sound Cup from Garden City Mall. According to sources, Kirya will now take his business to Bugolobi-based village mall, and this decision has been reportedly influenced by trends in the numbers visiting garden city in the recent past. “Ever since they closed Uchumi and Cineplex that were anchor tenants, the numbers coming to the mall have dropped drastically,” revealerals at Garden City are saying so.

Due to the fact that Kirya faces high rent charges, this has reportedly made business at the mall so difficult especially for hospitality service providers. So sources at Village Mall tell us that Kirya’s choice of new Village Mall is mushrooming hotspot for fun-loving prospective clients. It is even reported that worldwide renowned pizzeria, Pizza Hut are opening shop at Village Mall (On the Ground Floor) very soon which might be of a huge favour to him.