RIP: Abel Dhaira’s burial date confirmed


By Waiswa Brian

Though there is still a debate about where he should be buried,either in Mayuge,Kigandalo, Buyaga or Tobacco Stadium in Walukuba??? Well we leave that for the family members to decide.But here is the program for the return of his body back to his home Country for Burial Arrangements from the Federation.

Friday 1st April, 2016: Body leaves Iceland for Uganda

Sunday 3rd April, 2016:
• Arrival of casket at Entebbe International Airport, Uganda
• Casket handed over to A Plus Funeral Management Services

Monday 4th April, 2016:
• 10am; Church service at All Saints Church, Nakasero
• 1pm; Public viewing at Nakivubo stadium
• 4pm; Departure of the casket to Jinja
• 7pm; Arrival of casket at Abel Dhaira’s home in Walukuba
• 10pm; Body taken to the home of Abel Dhaira’s father for Night vigil in Walukuba

Tuesday 5th April, 2016
• 10am; Church service at All Saints Church, Walukuba
• 1pm; Body taken to Tobacco stadium for public viewing
• 4pm; Body taken to the Busoga Kingdom-Lukiiko in Bugembe
• 6pm; Body departs for Mayuge Kigandalo for night vigil

Wednesday 6th April, 2016
• 10am; Burial arrangements begin
• 2pm; Burial