Singer Mega Dee sends a bitter message to ‘Kampala Sun’.


By Waiswa Brian

After several years of writing trash about singer Mega Dee,the singer has sent out a strong and bitter message to vision group’s ‘The Kampala Sun” as quoted and edited below;

Open letter to you Solomon Muleyi and Twinamasiko,Thanks for your unconditional love to humiliating and demeaning the BRAND I the General stand in and has lived to taste of time. From my ancestral land to caltivating “emboli” meaning sweet potatoes,you real know me! If you think that education is expensive then try out ignorance which I think you suckled on hmmmmm yes,Being an intellectual like me creates a lot of questions without answers but if you may ask, to who? You? Hell no! Yes accent changed abit though still Omusoga Ndiko Dedeme..Character is higher than intellect but again a great SOUL will be strong to live as well as think. My intellectual growth commenced at my birth and will seize when I die.. Yes even my death still is of interest to you but that can’t be passed on to anyone! Sounding so tribalistic in this era you don’t even deserve to work in the toilets of The New Vision. Yes very broke as you are you think you can or has ever been any better than me? Little boys Muleyi and Twineamazi get better things to write and I offer tuition to help you get a proper professional training in journalism not as mare village camera men cum writers!I know we stand in the paths of our blessings and as for them that’s how much they are blessed!