SK Mbuga on the run as Police promises to seize him


By Waiswa Brian

After coming out and crying for help from the IGP Kale Kayihura,finally Uganda police force has responded to Leila Kayondo’s request to arrest ex-lover SK Mbuga who beat her to pulp yesterday for unclear reasons.Though SK Mbuga reveals that he caught the singer cheating on him with a Congolese army man,Leila felt guilty as she aired insults to him(Mbuga) hence a bloody fight resulting. SK Mbuga introduced Vivian last year in November.

The Assistant  IGP Asan Kasingye responded as quoted on twitter “Who is this SK MBUGA, who is untouchable? No no. Impunity must end.DPC Kabalagala must explain.Its embrassing for a girl to cry out on social media because of battering from a tycoon, who is he ?. Per now DPC Kabalagala is looking for him though he is on the run,he has promised to arrest him as soon as possible”

Below is a screenshot
