SK Mbuga’s case gets another twist as things worsen


By our writer

After coming out and crying to the public and IGP Kale Kayihura over battering by lover SK Mbuga,Leila Kayondo later pleaded with the police to have mercy and pardon her lover over claims that they had a misunderstanding that she over reacted to with anger. But latest reports show that SK Mbuga has landed into more problems as various cases have been opened up where A Boda Boda got seriously injured as he tried to avoid his Escalade last year,a case that was reported to Kabalagala Police Station by Kampala Woman MP Nabillah Naggayi Ssempala.

Earlier on today,SK Mbuga was brought before grade II magistrates court judge-Makindye for domestic violence charges. We shall keep you updated about what will go on.