Sudhir Byaruhanga clears air about leaving NTV


By Waiswa Brian

News rumors have been making rounds around all media houses about NTV’s Sudhir Byaruhanga abandoning the Serena based TV station for rival NBS Television station anytime soon.NBS TV who have in one year managed to scoop more than six NTV workers might still be ‘horny’ on taking more from the Serena based station. The news reporter got time off via a phone conversation and cleared the air about his future with NTV Uganda as quoted below;

 You see this field is tricky I can never say I can’t work with NBS,For now i have comment but Definitely any deal I have to first nudge and understand if it’s sustainable or not. Its good you took your time to talk to me for the truth,For now am still a happy employee of NTV Uganda. Have a good day.