Sumi Krazy to rock club silk on Tuesday next week


By Elijah Mutabuza

When we talk of music advancement, we mean seeing an artiste rise every other day musically and a case in point is sexy  vocal bird Sumi Krazy.
Word reaching our news desk clearly cinfirm that on Tuesday, it is going to be Dj Roja and Dj Slick Stuart’s mash up night at Club Silk that always attracts crowds, and it is on this night that Sumi will be performing live all her dancehall tunes and her latest hit Ani of which its video is in the making.
This is a confirmed show as her manager Nash Wonders of the Wonders Just studios by saying ”Now lets embrace ‪#‎SUMI_KRAZY‬ Uganda”s next vocal bird and at this point i invite you all to Club Silk Uganda as this sensational vocal bird does what she knows best and as we support my great friends and DJs, Dj Roja and Dj Slick Stuart’’
There we rest our case and leave everything to Pontius Pilate. Sumi needs you, be there and witness talent madness.