Tight Security Guidelines ahead of the Floodlights 7″s at Kyadondo Rugby club.

Uganda Rugby Cranes
 By Staff writer 
The Uganda Police force plus other sister security agencies, have assured rugby fans,of tight security during the floodlights sevens tournament ,scheduled for the 10th of September, at Kyadondo Rugby Grounds.
The Couter-terrorism unit ,will carry out an explosive sweep at 2pm and take charge of access control, Events Security guru ‘Dixon Okello’ will be there to make sure everything goes as planned.
1. Rugby fans,are reminded that parking at the venue will be at first come first serve basis.No body will be allowed to hang around the parking area.
2. Avoid carrying big bags,lighters,Nail cutters and bottles to the venue.
3. Queue in an orderly manner. Do not jump the queue.Line up in single file and don’t crowd, push or shove at the entrance.
4. The organizers and security,have the right of admission and will not hesitate to throw out or arrest any rowdy fan. Kindly alert the organizers or security when you notice any thing suspicious