Veteran actor ‘Philip Luswata’ arrested, dragged to CPS


By our reporter

News coming in is that veteran actor and producer, Philip Luswata has been arrested and dragged to the Central Police Station (CPS). Philip Luswata who was demonstrating over the selling off of the National theater, the Police didn’t say anything when they saw his fleep chart with writings on it “Save national theater”. After reading the chart, the Police arrested and took him away without giving him a chance to talk to the media.

Meanwhile, one of the artists denies monster statements in which she is claimed to have made while meeting the leaders. The members revealed that the national theater was constructed by the imperial government of which the Ugandan government was not in existence and that the British government requested the artists to pay 20000 pounds, of which they obliged to and fully paid the amount then. “Well wishers therefore the Uganda government is there as a trustee”, Kaye Wisdom chairman gospel musicians added on.

Kaye further disclosed that they not willing and ready to see what happened to shimon school which was destroyed by government and up now it’s developments are white elephant. Therefore they are to do what it takes to protect the national theater from being sold by the government because it belongs to the artists but not government