Veteran singer ‘Loketo Lee’ joins Uganda Police Force


By Waiswa Brian

Once a winner of the Pearl of Africa Music -PAM Award to a crime preventer and now a special police constable this is the story of Loketo lee. Former PAM award winner for best artiste northern Uganda Godfrey Onega a.k.a singer Loketo Lee who hails from Gulu town along Acholi road is now a qualified Police man under the Uganda Police Force.
The once dreaded singer was a household name in the mid-2000s when his music was very instrumental in the revival of northern Uganda and the LRA peace talks, eventually helping him to win the PAM  awards best musicians northern Uganda. But life took a new twist, today Loketo Lee is a special police constable attached to Gulu central police station after joining the force as a crime preventer last year.The hustle between community policing and music is his daily routine.
Due to Police rules, Loketo Lee was forced to cut off his dreaded hair and now spots a bald head commonly known as a Shaurine. But when he is not on duty, Loketo Lee wears a Yellow wig during gigs to make a few backs.
The wig gives him his former stage look every time he goes to perform and puts it off when police duty calls.