“You have a shallow mind”, Salvador attacks Desire Luzinda


By Waiswa Brian

Not everyone was happy when Desire Luzinda took it on Instagram to attack fellow celebrity over a dress,many considered it something so easy that could be settled by two adults. Comedian Salvador Idringi has come out to clearly give his view about the saga that took social media by shock yesterday.

 Salvador is quoted “Your a mother, to a girl and you take full pride in embarrassing a fellow woman just because of a dress… Damn.. Some people are just special… When I take my cloth to the dry cleaners and I find it being worn by someone else.. Do I attack that person or the dry cleaners… I’m just in utter shock at the level of shallowness in this whole saga. Ridiculous just.. Well done Bizzu for not responding… Be the mature one in this whole fiasco”.

We leave it to you the fans, was Desire luzinda right to attack Bizzu in public?